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Friday, February 17, 2012

SEO: The Ultimate Internet Marketing Strategy

In little more than a decade, the use of internet search engines has transformed the way businesses advertise. Indeed, internet marketing has become essential for the promotion of products and information, arguably surpassing other media platforms. Magazine, radio, and TV ads largely wait for readers, listeners, and viewers to come across their product alongside unrelated text, sounds, and images that distract from – or provoke little interest in – the advertised product. On the other hand, businesses that practice internet marketing can create informational company websites that are, effectively, ads. They court their prospective clients by including commonly searched-for keywords and phrases in their web content and maximizing the number of times these keywords appear. This internet marketing strategy is called search engine optimization, or SEO.
Internet Marketing and SEO
Online, consumers can almost instantaneously search for and receive information about products by typing in keywords into search engines like Google or Yahoo! With just a single click of the mouse, web surfers will have a list of often hundreds or thousands of sites providing or advertising (usually) relevant merchandise and services. Internet search engines thus provide immediate satisfaction for a need or query in the form of a list of organic (‘real’) and non-organic (or search engine-sponsored and/or affiliated) websites and pages containing a high density of those keywords or keyword phrases. If a business’s website or related website appears within the first few search results listed, it is all but guaranteed that that web site will be visited by interested, prospective clients. Therefore, it is imperative for a would-be successful company not only to practice internet marketing, but to maximize the effectiveness of their advertisement through the internet marketing strategy of search engine opitmization. 

Partnered with blogging as a form of business/website self-promotion, SEO is the key to successful internet marketing. Businesses hire internet marketing companies as consultants to analyze their internet marketing strategies. Besides testing websites’ strategies for SEO, these internet marketing companies advise that websites have an engaging web design, publish press releases, and sponsor competitions and product give-aways in order to secure business from prospective customers. Further strategies may include email marketing, dominating a niche market with affiliate companies, establishing an opt-in contact list, and getting news stories published. All these strategies help in increasing product/company visibility through SEO and blogging techniques.

Internet marketing companies teach that the goal is not just to increase random traffic to businesses’ websites, but to attract the ‘right’ prospective customers – that is, people already interested in whatever product the business in question is selling. For the purpose they suggest to include popularly searched-for keywords that are ultimately irrelevant to a website’s content may increase that site’s visibility, but it will not necessarily increase product sales. (For example, sprinkling the search keywords “Britney Spears” throughout a law firm’s website may result in that site’s being visited by a larger number of people, but it will hardly boost the number of that firm’s clients.) Similarly, blogging and social marketin on the internet establish a dialogue with potential customers already interested in the material being discussed (presumably relevant to the business’s product being sold). Ultimately, the trick to internet marketing is to appeal to certain kinds of web surfers before the web content ever even appears to those prospective customers – a revolutionary marketing strategy.

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