In inbound marketing, consistent content creation can be beneficial for quite a few reasons. It can help establish your business as a thought leader in its industry, it can help to power your lead generation efforts, and it can help you effectively spread your marketing messages in creative ways.

One of the most powerful roles content can play in inbound marketing is in search engine optimization. Regularly creating optimized and interesting content is the best way to improve your search engine rankings for your target keywords, increasing your ability to get found online and generate more traffic to your business' website. And what can more traffic lead to? Simple: more leads! Still not convinced that content plays a major role in SEO? Then take a gander at the following infographic created by Brafton:
content for seo infographic
Are you relying on content creation to move the needle in your SEO efforts? Make sure you're not just one of the 92% of marketers who agree content creation is effective for SEO -- make sure you're actually creating, too!